I am an artist & illustrator.

I cherish the beauty and importance
of the subtle things I notice in my surroundings that can often be overlooked.

I am drawn to them and
try to capture their essence
with my ink & watercolors and sometimes

These things touch my heart.

My camera is always with me
to capture those moments so that I can
call upon the fine details to work from in
my studio.

I have been drawing since I was a young child. Art has been the way I express myself and my way of life.

Nancy Cooper Funk

artist ~ illustrator

ink & watercolors ~ acrylics ~ photography

About Nancy
Maine Computer Tutor Websitehttp://www.mainecomputertutor.comhttp://www.mainecomputertutor.comshapeimage_5_link_0
Shells and Roses Bloghttp://shellsandroses.blogspot.comhttp://www.shellsandroses.blogspot.comshapeimage_6_link_0
Furry and Feathered Friends Bloghttp://furryandfeatheredfriends.blogspot.com/http://www.furryandfeatheredfriends.blogspot.comshapeimage_7_link_0
Maine Memories Studio Bloghttp://www.mainememoriesstudio.blogspot.com/http://www.mainememoriesstudio.blogspot.comshapeimage_8_link_0
Memories of Marblehead Bloghttp://mymarbleheadmemories.blogspot.com/http://mymarbleheadmemories.blogspot.comshapeimage_9_link_0
 Nancy’s Other Website
Nancy’s Maine Memories Websitehttp://www.mainememories.comhttp://www.nancycooperfunk.com/shapeimage_12_link_0
©Nancy Cooper Funk
click here for resumeAbout_Nancy_Resume.htmlshapeimage_19_link_0
Nancy’s Blogs
David’s Website
©Nancy Cooper Funk
A Link to Nancy’s Paintings of Petshttp://www.mainememories.com/Maine_Memories/Paintings_of_Pets.htmlshapeimage_29_link_0